2024 UMBC McNair Research Symposium


UMBC McNair Research Symposium w/
the National Science Foundation (NSF) and
The U.S. Department of Education


We are thrilled to announce the partnership between the National Science Foundation (NSF), The US Department of Education, and the UMBC McNair Scholars Program. With a commitment to inclusive excellence in research, 8 McNair Scholars from around the country will have the opportunity to present their research to NSF and Dept of Ed leaders as part of the 32nd Annual UMBC McNair Research Conference. All attendees will have the opportunity to hear directly from NSF about opportunities for them as undergraduates and even beyond. OPEN TO ALL MCNAIR SCHOLARS AND STAFF (EVEN IF NOT ATTENDING THE ACTUAL CONFERENCE)



The students will be chosen by conference staff based on their attendee profile form and possibly nominated by their McNair program staff. To ensure eligibility for scholars to present in this unique experience, we ask that they keep in mind the following:

  • McNair Directors/Coordinators can nominate one of their registered scholars by completing the Conference Support Form[LINK], choosing the McNair Symposium as the option, then sharing their rationale for their nomination in the Comment section. The deadline for nominations will be August 1st, 12 pm EST. 
  • Scholar presenters will have needed to complete the attendee profile by the August 1st deadline (firm deadline for this partnership experience).
  • Scholars will need to have answered affirmatively to the question that asks if they want to be considered for this opportunity:
  • “Would you like to be considered for the opportunity to be the special guest of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and present your research to their leaders on Friday morning? This will be in lieu of presenting on the Saturday of the conference. You will still be considered a conference presenter. You will also be NSF’s special guest at the Saturday lunch.”
  • They must also have answered affirmatively that they want their information shared with the graduate programs, their email shared with all attendees, and they must provide adequate responses to the short answer questions on the attendee profile sheet.
  • If chosen, they will need to submit the final PDF version of the presentation and poster by September 1st. Details will be sent to them on how to do so.
  • The selected presenters will present during the symposium instead of presenting in person at the conference. They will still be considered a conference presenter.
  • Due to budget and hotel constraints, the symposium will be virtual. Although they will be presenting virtually on Friday morning, they are required to be on-site staying at the host hotel for the duration of the conference.  This ensures that if there are any technical issues or concerns, our staff will be able to help mitigate them as necessary.
  • Selected Presenters should bring their own laptops to use, but if issues arise, we will have a few to be loaned.
  • Must check in at the conference registration table between 8 am – 10a m on Thursday to ensure their presentation space. They will need to be part of the Thursday Opening Session where they will be formally introduced to the conference attendees. Not being being present on Thursday will disqualify them from presenting on Friday. They will also need to be on Zoom Friday 8:20 am for a technical run-through.
  • They (and several other attendees) may also be special guests of NSF during the conference’s Saturday lunch session.