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Note: If you are registered for the 32nd Annual UMBC McNair Research Conference,
please also register for this event if you will be attending!
The UMBC McNair Scholars Program will present the 5th Annual Hill-Robinson McNair Lecture, named in honor of Cynthia M. Hill, Former UMBC Associate Provost & Founding UMBC McNair Director, and Thomas Robinson, PhD., Assistant Professor of Africana Studies and McNair Research Methods Faculty for over 30 years. Here is the link to the flier for the event. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Annually, we will highlight a lecturer who is an accomplished UMBC McNair alum or UMBC faculty/staff member who is an alum of a McNair program from another university. This year’s lecturer will be Dr. Antoinette Newsome, Associate Director, Moon Shot for Equity at EAB. Dr. Newsome is a McNair Alum from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and former Program Coordinator for the UMBC McNair Scholars Program. Click here to read Dr. Newsome’s full biography.
Title of Lecture: “Equity at the Core: Transforming Research into Action”
Abstract: One’s life experiences can be a roadmap to one’s lifelong purpose! Dr. Newsome’s lecture discusses how her personal and career-based experiences shaped her purpose and passion to create systemic equitable change in higher education. She will share her journey of leveraging equity-centered research in higher education that centers equity-mindedness and Shared Equity Leadership frameworks. Dr. Newsome will demonstrate how her research served as a springboard for driving transformative equity-based change at colleges and universities across the country. Drawing from experiences navigating the complexity of the ivory tower, the lecture will highlight the pivotal role of staying connected to community, advocating for self, and encouraging courageous conversations to advance equity in higher education. Attendees will learn practical strategies to help them foster inclusive communities, empower diverse voices, and drive systemic change for our systemically oppressed populations.
The 2024 Hill-Robinson McNair Lecture is co-sponsored by: UMBC McNair Scholars Program, (other sponsors will soon be listed).
For more information & sponsorship opportunities, please contact Michael A. Hunt, Program Director, UMBC McNair Scholars Program,