2024 Conference Registration


You should also complete our 2024 Conference Interest Form to stay informed!

The information you will need from your students to register them is as followed: Presentation Type (via ticket selection), First Name, Last Name, Email, Institution, Major/Discipline, Presentation Category (Arts, Engineering, Humanities, Information Technology, Interdisciplinary, Interdisciplinary but STEM-focused, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Science), and Accommodations needed. All other information we will gather from their attendee profile form. WHEN COMPLETING THEIR ATTENDEE PROFILE FORM, PLEASE MAKE SURE THE STUDENTS CHOOSE THE TICKET TYPE THEY WERE REGISTERED FOR.  We are not able to make changes to registration ticket type.

For Staff Attendees and Grad Reps we will need to know: First Name, Last Name, Email, any accommodations needed. Grad Reps will also be sent a form to complete to get additional information.


Register via Eventbrite – Here’s the link to register via Eventbrite (credit card payment).  We encourage you to utilize the Eventbrite credit card processing. 

Register via Invoice – 

Due to Eventbrite not providing invoices, we have to contract via another option to complete individual invoices. Therefore, payment via invoice will incur a 10% per ticket administrative & processing fee to be added to the invoice when sent for a payment request. Therefore, we encourage all payments to be via Eventbrite. To pay via invoice:

    • Please download the Excel template titled “TEMPLATE 2024 UMBC MCNAIR Conference”
    •  Please rename the file using the following nomenclature: YourInstitution-2024-UMBCRegistration
    • Send the completed template (from Step 1) via the Support Conference Form, tinyurl.com/UMBCMcNairSupport
    • We will send an invoice and UMBC’s W9 within 7 business days.
    • Once you submit the form, we will send you a promo code for you to register online. You must register via Eventbrite using the code. Then you will be able to process the invoice on your end.
    • Registrations by invoice will not be secured until you register via Eventbrite using the promo code and check payment is received by our office.

Please be sure to fully read the registration confirmation from Eventbrite (or the UMBC McNair account if you submitted an invoice request). The hotel info and next steps for registrants will be included. 

Conference Registration via Eventbrite (CLICK HERE)

Note: Prices do not include Eventbrite or Invoice Processing Fee

Attendee Only (Faculty or Staff) $550 Priority Deadline: July 1st – Cruise will be included

Deadline: August 1, 2024 (Price includes cruise for first 275 conference registrants: attendees only & student presenters)

Deadline maybe extended if spots still available

Attendee Only (Student) $550 Priority Deadline: July 1st – Cruise will be included

Deadline: August 1, 2024 (inclusive of Attendee Profile. Price includes cruise for first 275 conference registrants: attendees only & student presenters)

Deadline maybe extended if spots still available, but the attendee profile form may not be accepted passed the August 1st deadline.

Student Presenter (Poster) $550 Priority Deadline: July 1st – Cruise will be included

Deadline: August 1, 2024 (inclusive of Attendee Profile, which includes poster upload and abstract. Price includes cruise for first 275 conference registrants: attendees only & student presenters)

Student Presenter (Oral) $550 Priority Deadline: July 1st – Cruise will be included

Deadline: August 1, 2024 (inclusive of Attendee Profile, which includes poster upload and abstract. Price includes cruise for first 275 conference registrants: attendees only & student presenters)

Institutional/Grad Program Sponsor $2200 Deadline: July 15, 2024, (Friday cruise,All conference meals for one attendee). More details under the sponsorship section on the 2024 Graduate Programs Representatives Registration Information.
Graduate School Exhibitor $700

$1000 (late registration)

 Deadline: July 15, 2024 (one rep as listed on the Grad School Profile. Price doesn’t include cruise ($115) or additional meals ($150), may add on. Saturday lunch is included). More details under the registration section on the 2024 Graduate Programs Representatives Registration Information. Cruise ticket must be purchased by July 1st.
Graduate School – Additional Reps $275  Deadline: August 1, 2024

(Price doesn’t include cruise ($115) or additional meals($150), may add on. Saturday lunch is included). Cruise ticket must be purchased by July 1st.

ADD ON – Cultural Visit:Wednesday, September 18th, 12 pm: Tour of Baltimore & the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum – $60 (available for students and staff/faculty only.  Based on availability, some sponsors will receive a complimentary ticket and transportation)


Refund Policy — Registration fees are refundable (less a processing charge of 10% for registration fees) if written notice of cancellation is received via e-mail (mcnairs@umbc.edu) on or before July 15th.

Payment via invoice will incur a 10 % per ticket administrative & processing fee, to be added to the invoice when sent. Therefore, we encourage all payments to be via Eventbrite.